Teknisk : Adium For Mac Rating: 4,6/5 7295 reviews
  1. Teknisk : Adium For Mac Download

.: My most favorite of the multi-protocol IMs. Trillian Astra is as close to Adium on Windows as you will get, especially in terms of fun, easy design and customization features. I would try Trillian Astra first when looking for a Adium for Windows alternative.: Extremely versatile and fun to use, Digsby also offers users the ability to check email, update your and even feeds.: One of the oldest multi-protocol IMs is also one of the most fun. Pidgin (formerly GAIM) offers a light, clean IM experience with access to all the major market IMs, plus MySpaceIM. Also, if you love the Adium duck, check out Pidgin's purple pidgeon!.: Another light and simple IM, Miranda IM is barebones but allows users to chat with many friends across IM networks without taking up loads of hard drive space.

Teknisk : Adium For Mac Download

Click to expand.I am running Adium 0.86 and can send files through my MSN, Yahoo and Jabber accounts with no problems whatsoever. In fact, I don't seem to recall when did It fail to send a file at all. Having MSN or Yahoo Audio/video will not happen anytime soon. In fact, I think it will never happen. If you really need Audio/video badly you can kindly send an email to Microsoft/Yahoo asking them to open their protocols so that other people can write sofware that can inter-operate with their products.