Gravit Designer Alternatives For Mac
Version 3.5.6 Nov. 30, 2018. Our first-ever Friday release with some last-minute fixes.;) Version 3.5.5 Nov.
29, 2018 Improvements. Improvements to the View Mode:. Removed Full View and Fast View and made Outline View a toggle switch in the View menu. Brought Output View to the Inspector as a separate Clip content icon. This view is now turned on by default, meaning that elements outside a page are clipped. Improved the dialog when closing a document with unsaved progress and added distinctive Don’t save, Cancel, and Save. Buttons to clarify the various actions.
More enhancements to the rendering speed of Gravit Designer. Improvements to EPS import:. Text layers are now converted to outlines (paths) by default, to ensure that everything looks as the creator of the EPS file imagined it. This feature can be switched off in Edit → Settings → Outline fonts in EPS import. When off, the font of text layers can still be replaced. Image masks are now supported.
To help solving bugs for the development team, you now have the option to Send developer details in the Help menu. It prepares the output of the application’s developer console to be sent to us. New maintenance mode, that notifies you about Gravit Designer currently not being available due to an update. Various improvements to SVG importing. Bugfixes. Fixed that elements clipped to compound paths didn’t display correctly.
Facebook and Google login now works properly on Chrome OS and in the Chrome extension. Fixed that the save icon was never disabled, even when there were no changes to save. Open Sans Condensed doesn’t trigger “Missing fonts” dialog anymore. Fixed problem with auto-update in MacOS. All web fonts are showing the correct previews again. Fixed a problem with aligned compound shapes.
Show Symbol Labels (from View → Canvas) works properly again. Fixed various rendering artifacts. Version 3.5.4 Nov. 15, 2018. Fixed a few bugs with signup and user accounts. Version 3.5.3 Nov. 9, 2018.
Fixed fullscreen mode. Version 3.5.2 Nov. 8, 2018. Fixed outline view mode. Fixed angular gradient which exported incorrectly. Version 3.5.1 Nov.
7, 2018. Fixed a bug that PDF files got exported without text layers. The Size dropdown in the Export dialog now works correctly again. Version 3.5 Nov. 5, 2018 This one is huge: We massively improved the performance and rendering speed of Gravit Designer, so it should run as soft as butter no matter which type of design you are working on.
Another improvement we are particularly proud of is EPS compatibility. EPS files should now open flawlessly, perform better and load much faster. We’d love to get your feedback on the or the social media channels (, ).
For more information about Gravit Designer 3.5. This update is automatically downloaded and installed in the next days if you are using Gravit Designer 3.4.5 or later. It will also be available from the app stores again throughout this week. Finally, you can download it, too. New features. Illustrator (AI) file import: Files saved with the “Create PDF Compatible File” option can now be opened in Gravit Designer.
A message will be shown in case the file isn’t compatible. Version History: Access up to 20 past versions of your designs saved on the Gravit Cloud. Continue working from a different point, restore a critical element or see how your design evolved. It can be accessed from File → Show Version History. Please read more.
Improvements. Massive improvements to the rendering performance.
Gravit Designer should perform way better in all situations now. Increased compatibility of EPS files.
They should open without any flaws now. Generally improved loading times of all kinds of files. The divider between the Pages and Layers panel can now be moved to give more space to either. Removed “Mask” blending modes to prevent confusion. Please use one of the ways shown to mask content instead. Brought back “Fit All” in the toolbar by popular demand. Always listening to our users.:).
Added a warning about linked images ( File → Link Image.), that they will not be available when opening the file on another computer or in the web app. Added a couple of new presets, including Apple Watch 4, new iPhones, Google Pixel 2/XL and more. Removed Retina Display option in Export dialog ( File → Export → Export.) as this term is quite outdated. Please use the Size field with “2x” for example instead. Our support team can now be reached from the brand new. Linked it in Help → Contact us in the menu bar. Hidden layers are not considered for snapping anymore.
In turn, locked layers are now considered for snapping and they also show smart guides. Improved precision for the Position and Size of SVG files. Further improved exporting elements with borders to SVG. Ensured that files finished saving when closing Gravit Designer. Locked layers can now be used as “Key objects”: When selecting multiple layers alongside a locked element, the other elements are aligned to the locked layer. Bugfixes.
Fixed a bug that prevented Cloud files to be exported to PDF. Finally eradicated the “Loading has failed” bug. Dashed and dotted lines now show properly in imported SVG files. Locked layers aren’t affected by aligning anymore. PDF export:. Fixed multiple problems that prevented designs from exporting. Semi-opaque elements (patterns, groups) are properly exported now.
Fixed some bugs when uploading a profile picture and added a correct error message. Showing correct message again when trying to close a file with unsaved progress. We continued to improve SVG import and fixed various bugs. Fixed a bug with toggling the visibility of layers. Version 3.4.10 Oct. 18, 2018. We are running out of version numbers.;) Solved another problem that needed a timely fix.
Version 3.4.9 Oct. 10, 2018.
Fixed a critical bug. Version 3.4.8 Oct. 05, 2018. Fixed a problem with auto-update on macOS.
Version 3.4.7 Oct. 04, 2018. Fixed a critical bug with auto-update, that prevented fetching the correct version. Version 3.4.5 Sep.
24, 2018 We are continuing our efforts to improve Gravit Designer and fix bugs. New features. Gravit Designer now checks for updates regularly to make sure that you are always running the latest version.
To check for a new version manually, go to Help → Check for updates. Improvements.
The border position of open paths is now limited to Center to prevent incorrect line endings. Exported PDFs now show the correct meta data for Author (when logged in), Title (the current file name), and Created with (Gravit Designer).
Moved all Show options from the View menu in the menu bar to the Canvas submenu for more clarity. The Keep ratio setting in the Inspector is now remembered after closing Gravit Designer. The context menu is now shown correctly for the Pen, Bezigon, and Knife tools when making a right-click in the Layers panel. Optimized to work better on mobile devices. Bugfixes. Selecting a layer in the Layers panel and moving it with the arrow keys now updates its position immediately.
SVG export:. Text layers with inner shadows are properly exported now.
Borders with different position settings ( Inside and Center) are now properly exported, also in clipped shapes. Fixed a problem with text layers clipped to elements with borders.
Effects that extend the natural properties of elements, like shadows or blurs, are now considered properly when exporting. The Back to top link in the Libraries now works properly and doesn’t close the search results or selected categories anymore. Fixed that the Equal Margins setting for pages in the Inspector can’t be switched off. Fixed a problem with text layers, that caused rendering problems when zoomed in or out. Selecting elements doesn’t produce lags anymore. Fixed various issues in offline mode. Dragging layers in Layers panel now shows a correct preview again.
Solved a problem that images were invisible on the canvas under certain circumstances. The Color Adjust effect works properly again in the latest version of Chrome. Elements with CMYK colors don’t cause problems with PDF export anymore. Version 3.4.4 Aug. 29, 2018. Fixed another critical issue with the offline mode. Fixed preview images in Cloud dialog and Libraries.
Version 3.4.3 Aug. 27, 2018 Fixed a critical issue with the offline mode. Version 3.4.2 Aug. 23, 2018 We’re working hard to fix critical bugs in Gravit Designer and bring improvements. Here’s the result: Improvements.
Submenus in the menu bar now stay open when being tapped on a touch device, also when being clicked. Improved text cursor on dark backgrounds. Improved appearance of the selection box on backgrounds with a similar color.
Unified ordering and naming of Compound Shapes (formerly “Merge”). Added a note when entering fullscreen mode with instructions how to close it. Removed “Invert selection mode” option in Settings for more focus. Note: Can be done at any time by holding Alt.
We couldn’t make it yet to support Sketch files created in v50+, so we added a note when trying to open such files. “Infinite Canvas” is now properly intended in the page presets list in the Inspector.
Created proper emails for activation and password reset. Bugfixes. SVG export:. Elliptical fills now work correctly. Text layers have correct quotes now.
Improved rendering of elements with inside and centered borders. Fixed a problem with exporting gradients and shadows.
HEX input field in color dialog:. It’s now limited to 6 + 1 characters. Disabled the mouse wheel and arrow keys. Fixed that the text preview in the fonts list doesn’t match the font. Exporting from “Make exportable” doesn’t add “1” anymore to the filename. Input field for the border size doesn’t loose focus anymore when smaller than “0”. Version 3.4.1 Jul.
31, 2018 Bugfixes. Fixed a bug where the dark background remained when opening a panel in the Inspector. Fixed that borders didn’t scale properly in SVG export. Fixed a bug that prevented elements with both inner and drop shadows from exporting to SVG and PDF.
Version 3.4 Jul. 09, 2018 We are back with the first big release of Gravit Designer after the acquisition by Corel, and it features massive improvements to exporting, mainly for SVG and PDF files. But we also have a bunch of other goodies for you. Have got questions or found some issues (or just want to congratulate on the awesome release)?
Improvements. Improvements to SVG export:. All layers names are exported as IDs now.
This can be switched off in the export dialog (“Retain attributes and add IDs”). The class and type of imported SVGs are now retained when exporting as an SVG. Can also be switched off from the same option as above. Added a new option “Preserve editing capabilities for SVG files” in the Export dialog. When switched on, it ensures that SVGs can be properly re-imported into Gravit Designer. Ellipses and circles are now created with the appropriate and tags when exported as an SVG. Showing a warning message when trying to export an SVG with unsupported effects/features.
Enhanced the importing of SVGs considerably, including shadows, gradients and borders. This also includes improvements to the exporting capabilities. The extended area caused by certain effects (blur for example) is now considered when exporting.
Improvements to PDF export:. Massively improved exporting of PDFs at high resolutions (150 and 300 dpi).
The exporting process can now be canceled at any time and in case a file can’t be exported at all (if the dimensions are too large), a message is shown. Drop shadows and inner shadows are now exported with the best possible quality in PDFs. Optimized duplicate and copy/paste behavior. Replaced clone tool with duplicate ( Ctrl/⌘ + D) and enabled smart duplicate, also for Alt-drag and groups. Improved Paste in Place, in that it pastes content at the top-left of the currently selected element (shortcut ⇧ + Ctrl/⌘ + V). Improved Paste inside Selection, which still clips content to the selected shape, but also pastes it at the top-left corner (new shortcut ⇧ + Ctrl/⌘ + Alt + V). Added a new “Paste” sub menu in Edit in the menu bar.
Added a new right-click Paste Here option, that pastes content exactly at the position of the mouse cursor. Added a new right-click Paste Style option, to make it more discoverable. As a reminder, the styling of an element can be copied with Ctrl/⌘ + C. Content pasted onto an infinite canvas is always placed at the center of the viewport. Alt-dragging now also works in the Layers panel. Massive improvements to the workings of compound shapes ( Merge), including shapes with holes, compound operations involving shapes that touch each other at the edges, and compound paths intersecting multiple times in one place. Also optimized speed and performance.
Renamed Shading tool to Freehand shaping for more clarity and improved it, especially when holes are involved. Also, drawing a counter-clockwise shape now removes it from the original shape, drawing a clockwise non-intersecting shape adds it.
Please see this video:. Tip: Be sure that the shape has a border applied for the Freehand shaping tool to work correctly. Improved saving, to prevent loss of progress when saving fails. Also, it’s now ensured that files have finished saving when closing the application. Opening a panel in the Inspector (color picker for example) now dims the background for more visibility. This also simplifies closing panels.
The background color can now be set for pages with an infinite canvas. All file formats allow to set the background color now in the Export dialog ( File → Export → Export.). Improved Light and Dark themes with additional icons in the toolbar, to make these functions more discoverable. Furthermore, you can now change between the new left-aligned icons and the former grouped appearance of the icons in the Settings. Brought entire signup/login workflow as well as the user settings to Gravit Designer. No popups or external pages anymore.
New elements are now added on the correct position of the hierarchy in the Layers Panel, for example when adding a rectangle shape. Removed all inappropriate graphics from the Libraries, to make them suitable to a wider audience. Improved display of images clipped to text layers. Optimized “pinch to zoom” on Mac trackpads.
Paths now also have proper handles to resize and rotate. Improved importing of EPS files with text layers. The Knife tool now also works on compound paths.
Renamed Shading tool to Freehand Shaping for more clarity. Renamed Split selection to Ungroup selection for more clarity. EPS files can now be imported from File → Import → Place image. Notable bugfixes.
Character spacing isn’t added at the end of text layers anymore. Fixed that slices are smaller when being exported. Vertical and horizontal paths (or lines) can now be rotated and flipped properly.
Ensured that SVGs are opened with the correct dimensions. Solved multiple problems with the grid: Switching between grid types doesn’t reset the size anymore; the isometric grid isn’t synced with the normal grid anymore; properly remembering the formerly set grid settings; switching to another document unit doesn’t affect snapping anymore; fixed some rendering artifacts; limited the grid to minimal values. Fixed rounding off anchor points with the right mouse button for shapes converted to a path. Switching between different types of anchor points now works correctly. Pressing Ctrl +/- (to zoom into the canvas) when an input field is focused doesn’t zoom the browser window anymore. Fixed that exporting JPEGs from File → Export → JPEG from an infinite canvas used a wrong background color (black). Switched off “Autoscale Borders” for newly created elements when adopting the styling from another element.
Template previews aren’t distorted anymore in the welcome dialog. Fixed that aligning anchor points and undoing changes the appearance of the element. Switching from Auto to Fixed width/height text can be properly undone now. Make Exportable now exports multiple file formats properly. Various bug fixes in Firefox:. Wrong display of certain effects. Arrows of drop down menus.
Preview images of effects. Version 3.3.3 May. 24, 2018 Bugfixes. Critical fix for the view mode, which prevented to switch to Output view. Enabled click tracking, to track usage of features.
This is to learn which unused features to remove, to slim down Gravit Designer, and which highly used features to expand and improve. Please note that no user data is tracked. Version 3.3.2 Apr. 18, 2018 Improvements. Making a double-click on a path doesn't select the entire path anymore.
Improved PDF support for certain situations with complicated paths. Added a warning message when attempting to open files from cloud services such as OneDrive.
Due to a bug in Electron (caused by node.js) files need to be copied to the local hard-drive to load properly for now. Bugfixes. Fixed a problem with effects, that caused unexpected lines to appear on the canvas. Fixed loading files in corrupted installations. When using the Transform tool, the last element doesn't keep selected after the transformation anymore. Fixed a bug that prevented certain fonts from being imported. Version 3.3.1 Mar.
27, 2018 Improvements. General improvements to EPS import. Increased compatibility of old files with symbols. When 'Autoscale Clipped Shapes' is off, shapes in clipped groups are now anchored to the top-left to make resizing more predictable. Bugfixes. Symbols fixes: Deleting and adding a symbol creates it correctly as a master again; resetting an instance with an image works again.
Fixed that the Recolor effect shows correct values in input fields. All icons can be dragged out correctly from the Libraries again.
Fixed EPS import in desktop apps. Changing from English to Portuguese version works correctly again. Enlarged the login window to make all options visible. 'Place image' works again for PDF files. Version 3.3 Mar.
19, 2018 Please read more about this release on Medium: Version 3.2.6 Nov. 30, 2017 Download instructions: Linux: download here: (there are currently some caching issues with the link on. Windows: Please be sure to remove the old version before installing Gravit Designer 3.2.6. Please note that the app store versions (Windows, MacOS, Chrome OS) may take some days until they are available. More improvements to font importing: we still haven't ironed out all bugs, but importing fonts should now work across all systems and platforms. Made sure that all system fonts are now available in the desktop apps. Solved a bug where a text layer is blank when added.
Added a warning if overlarge images are imported, that could harm the performance. Switching between grid types doesn't break the isometric grid anymore. Fixed a bug where the selection box wasn't correctly updated for nested groups. Updated the iPhone presets on the welcome screen. 'Don't display message again' on welcome screen missed the checkbox. Made some improvements to SVG importing.
Clipped shapes are now resized correctly alongside other elements. Fixed that Arial Black and some other fonts now display correctly. Duplicating an element while the Transform tool is opened now retains the selection handles. Fixed a bug where the file preview and the actual fill showed a different result. Opening a new file doesn't close old one anymore on Linux. Exporting a PDF from 'Make exportable' retains effects now.
Font weight field now shows the correct wight name instead of 'Regular.' . Fixed a bug where the selection box didn't show correctly for some layers. Changed 'Export PDF' in the menu bar to 'PDF Document (.pdf) at 72dpi' to prevent confusion about the expected output. Fixed a problem with Surface Pro 4 device, that prevented filling input fields. Improved loading of.gvdesign files.
Improved importing of PDF files. Fixed PDF exporting indicator. Added warning, that shows when there was a problem saving to the Gravit Cloud. Performance improvements to grouping and moving elements.
Version 3.2.5Bugfixes. Border on text layers doesn't freeze Gravit Designer anymore. Alt-dragging Pages works again.
Moving all types of layers works smoothly again. Styling gets transferred correctly between layers again.
There's only one dialog now for multiple missing fonts. Selecting alternatives for missing fonts works correctly again. System fonts work again on all systems. Performance problems solved on desktop versions. Applying a border to text layers with a gradient fill works again.
'Split Path' is back to normal. Selecting all elements of a design now really selects all objects. Font-importing is also back to normal. (Some minor issues still happening, will be fixed with 3.2.6.) Version 3.2.4Bugfixes. Fixed a bug with text layers showing a 'Missing font' warning. Version 3.2.3Bugfixes.
Font importing and system fonts work across all systems now. User gets warned when uploading an image, that's too large.
Fixed many bugs with Symbols. Application window can be moved properly again on Linux. Correct text alignment icons.
Removed Ctrl/⌘ + S to create strike-through text while in text edit mode. Now, the document is saved instead. Compound shapes can be resized and anchored properly again when inside of a group. Grouping and moving elements doesn't freeze the application anymore.
Fixed multiple bugs in Firefox. Line-endings work correctly for all types of lines again. Custom guides can be moved properly again. Fixed problems with saving to the Gravit Cloud. Flattening an image doesn't create a strange grid overlay anymore. Changed 'Business Card' preset to the correct size of 85 x 55 mm.
Version 3.2.1 and 3.2.2Bugfixes. Fixes to the Linux build Version 3.2 Read the related blog article: New features. Symbols: The best from Sketch and Figma, combined in Gravit Designer.
Open recent files list. New 'Mask with Shape' option: Easier discoverable (new option in right-click menu), keyboard shortcut ( ⇧ + Ctrl/⌘ + M), easier handing (mask can be above the content).
Snap Packages for Linux: Installing on Linux is now easier than ever. Ability to resize layers with the keyboard. Groups can be created from individual layers.
All icons from are available in the Libraries tab. New checkbox 'Scale font on resizing' for text layers, that lets you decide whether the text frame is resized or the font size itself. New 'Flatten' option (from 'Modify' in the menu bar) converts the currently selected layer or group to a flattened bitmap.
This is mainly to reduce the complexity of resized images or elaborate vectors. Improvements.
Enhanced anchoring options: It now works for groups too, not only pages. Improvements to color swatches: Now they show the opacity, if they belong to the RGB or CMYK color space, they can be rearranged, and you can save and load them. Improved visibility of themes: we made sure that each interface element is perfectly visible in each theme. Improvements to Pages: Flip their dimensions and trim them to the content. Reduced file size of desktop apps. Chinese language file isn't downloaded with the application anymore. Layers are highlighted in the Layers panel when you hover them on the canvas.
Gravit Designer Logo Tutorial
'Make exportable' also includes the PDF file format. While showing the measurements guides with Alt, it's still possible to move layers. Assets are exported with lowercase file endings. Tutorials were moved into the 'Help' menu in the menu bar. Checking the 'Keep Ratio' switch also applies to elements that are resized on the canvas. Simplified image cropping: It's not only easier to catch the selection handles, but also to move the image inside the frame and to reset it. Anchoring also works for groups, not only for individual elements.
Clicking on the font size field selects the value to enable quick changes. The grid is now shown no matter if you switch it on in the inspector or the menu bar. New checkbox 'Scale font on resizing' for text layers, that lets you decide whether the text frame is resized or the font size itself. And many bug fixes.
Bugfixes. And many bug fixes.
A smart way to design Enjoy a clean, intuitive interface that adjusts itself exactly the way you expect it. Powerful tools to unleash your creativity. Precision Unmatched precision in any unit (Pixels, MM, CM, etc.) from creation to exporting. Structure Powerful pages with masters, real layers and symbols to structure your content. Vector Made for vector with non-destructive booleans, knife tool and path graphs.
Layout Powerful grids, anchors and auto-layouts made for pixel perfect screen designs. Style Multiple fills/borders, effects and blending modes together with shared styles. Text Handcrafted powerful text engine with text on path, web fonts, styles and much more.
Export Export high quality PDFs, SVGs and Images using slices and multiple assets. Advanced Presentations, Sketch and EPS import, design templates, transformations, and more. What's New: This one is huge: We massively improved the performance and rendering speed of Gravit Designer, so it should run as soft as butter no matter which type of design you are working on. Another improvement we are particularly proud of is EPS compatibility.
EPS files should now open flawlessly, perform better and load much faster. We’d love to get your feedback on the forum or the social media channels (Twitter, Facebook). For more information about Gravit Designer 3.5 check out this article. This update is automatically downloaded and installed in the next days if you are using Gravit Designer 3.4.5 or later.
It will also be available from the app stores again throughout this week. Finally, you can download it on our website, too. New features. Illustrator (AI) file import: Files saved with the “Create PDF Compatible File” option can now be opened in Gravit Designer.
A message will be shown in case the file isn’t compatible. Version History: Access up to 20 past versions of your designs saved on the Gravit Cloud. Continue working from a different point, restore a critical element or see how your design evolved. It can be accessed from File → Show Version History. Please read more in this article. Improvements. Fixed a few bugs with signup and user accounts.
Massive improvements to the rendering performance. Gravit Designer should perform way better in all situations now. Increased compatibility of EPS files. They should open without any flaws now. Generally improved loading times of all kinds of files. The divider between the Pages and Layers panel can now the moved to give more space to either. Removed “Mask” blending modes to prevent confusion.
Please use one of the ways shown in this video to mask content instead. Brought back “Fit All” in the toolbar by popular demand.
Always listening to our users.:). Added a warning about linked images (File → Link Image.), that they will not be available when opening the file on another computer or in the web app. Added a couple of new presets, including Apple Watch 4, new iPhones, Google Pixel 2/XL and more. Removed Retina Display option in Export dialog (File → Export → Export.) as this term is quite outdated. Please use the Sizefield with “2x” for example instead. Our support team can now be reached from the brand new support form.
Linked it in Help → Contact us in the menu bar. Hidden layers are not considered for snapping anymore. In turn, locked layers are now considered for snapping and they also show smart guides. Improved precision for the Position and Size of SVG files.
Further improved exporting elements with borders to SVG. Ensured that files finished saving when closing Gravit Designer. Locked layers can now be used as “Key objects”: When selecting multiple layers alongside a locked element, the other elements are aligned to the locked layer. Please see this video. Bugfixes.
Fixed a bug that prevented Cloud files to be exported to PDF. Finally eradicated the “Loading has failed” bug. Dashed and dotted lines now show properly in imported SVG files. Locked layers aren’t affected by aligning anymore. PDF export:. Fixed multiple problems that prevented designs from exporting. Semi-opaque elements (patterns, groups) are properly exported now.
Fixed some bugs when uploading a profile picture and added a correct error message. Showing correct message again when trying to close a file with unsaved progress. We continued to improve SVG import and fixed various bugs. Fixed a bug with toggling the visibility of layers.